Reference Database

IL-4 induces a Th2 response in Leishmania major-infected mice.
Chatelain, R
Varkila, K
Coffman, R L
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 1992 Feb 15;148: 1182-7

The infection of mice with Leishmania major can cause either a fatal disseminated disease or a localized healing disease, depending on the genetic background of the mice. A strong correlation has been shown between disease outcome and the nature of the T cell response, with healer strains developing a Th1-like response and nonhealer strains a Th2-like response. The treatment of nonhealer BALB/c mice with a single dose of an anti-IL-4 antibody, given at the time of infection with L. major, allowed these mice to develop healing Th1-like responses, suggesting that IL-4 is required in BALB/c mice for the differentiation of Th cells into Th2 cells. Anti-IL-4 had to be present during the first 2 wk of infection to have this effect. Anti-IL-4 caused a marked shift from a Th2 to a Th1 pattern of cytokine expression within 4 days, in vivo, and injections of IL-4 had the opposite effect on the early response in healer C3H/HeN mice. These findings demonstrate that IL-4 can induce the development of Th2 response to L. major infection in vivo.

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